Christian St 22, Jerusalem
+972 2-626-2197

Solomon Stone ‘One New Man’ 925 Silver Messianic Necklace

Solomon Stone ‘One New Man’ 925 Silver Messianic Necklace

32.34 $43.84 $

Unique Solomon stone Messianic ‘Grafted in’ necklace from Israel.

● Size: 0.59″ inch / 1.5 cm.
● Weight: 2.2 grams.
● Made in Israel.

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Unique Solomon stone Messianic ‘One New Man’ necklace from Israel.

Messianic jewelry created with sterling silver and authentic Eilat stone from Solomon’s mines in Israel.

The stone used in this beautiful necklace comes from the area of where it is traditionally thought to be the famous King Solomon mines near Eilat in Israel. This exquisite stone is embedded on two sides.

These splendid Messianic Necklace are of excellent quality will never let you down. The elegant unique design and shining effect of these glorious Eilat stone pendants make it the perfect choice for any occasion.

● With their dazzling design, this pendant adds a feminine accent to any style.
● Perfect for adding a dose of texture and color to your everyday looks.
● Pair them with your casual or formal attire.
● This is a classic pendant style

These ‘Grafted In’ Messianic pendants illustrate perfectly Apostle Paul’s message to the Romans. His message to the gentiles explains how when they personally give their lives to Jesus, they are ‘grafted in’ to the natural olive tree of Israel and all the promises of God.

What a beautiful reminder of God’s grace to us all!

For he himself is our peace, who made both one and broke down
the dividing wall of the partition, the enmity, in his flesh, invalidating the law of commandments in ordinances, in order that he
might create the two in himself into one new man, thus making peace, and might reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, killing the enmity in himself. ((Ephesians 2:14–16)

All Messianic jewelry shipped direct from Jerusalem.

You are welcome to visit us at 24 Christian Quarter Road in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel.

Weight N/A
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16" inch / 40 cm, 18" inch / 45 cm, 20" inch / 50 cm, No thanks

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