Christian St 22, Jerusalem
+972 2-626-2197

Ram’s Horn Semi-Polished Shofar from Jerusalem 15″ to 18″

Ram’s Horn Semi-Polished Shofar from Jerusalem 15″ to 18″

54.95 $

Classic semi-polished kosher shofar direct from Jerusalem. 

● Made in the Holy Land.
● Size: 15″-18″ inch / 38 – 46 cm.
● Optional olive wood shofar stand available.

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Classic semi-polished kosher shofar direct from Jerusalem. 

In a Messianic passage, the prophet Zechariah tells us that the Lord will appear in Judah and will blow the shofar Himself. This reminds the believer of the promise that the Lord will descend from Heaven with a shout and the sound of the shofar of God.

Mentioned in the new testament at the last Trumpet Jesus will return.

● Made in the Holy Land.
● Size: 15″-18″ inch / 38 – 46 cm.
● Optional olive wood shofar stand available.

Note: Size is the measurement around the curve of the shofar.

A shofar is a ram’s horn that is used as a trumpet during biblical feasts of the Bible.

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. (Jeremiah 4:5)

The practice of blowing a shofar is equally relevant for Christians and Jews.

The shofar is spoken of frequently in scripture beginning at Exodus 19 where the blast of a shofar emanating from the thick cloud on Mount Sinai makes the Israelites tremble in awe.

Olive wood shofar stand

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